Monday, March 23, 2015

How to find the best deal for car insurance!

Car insurance is mandatory nowadays when driving your own vehicle. It’s important that you have effective car insurance, but make sure you’re not paying too much!

When I first started driving, I was paying way too much for car insurance, since student car insurance tends to be quite expensive. These are the top things I find on how to find and maintain the cheapest car insurance. Firstly, you want to make sure you have a clean driving record. Accidents and convictions can stay on your driving record for years to come. It’s the primary thing companies look for when you’re buying insurance from them. Always make sure you’re shopping around different companies. Plenty of consumers believe that all companies charge the same rate for insurance, this is not true. Rates vary significantly from company to company. All these companies consider the area in which you live, the type of car that you are driving and how long you have had your licence. But all companies have different policies for their claims and loss experiences. One important factor is known as “The Porsche factor” this means that the car that you drive significantly changes your rates. Newer cars cost more to insure than older cars, and sports cars, such as the Porsche cost more than family cars like the Dodge Caravan and a sedan like the Civic. These companies also look at the statistics that the type of car has on theft, safety and history. Always make sure you’re asking for a discount, the worse they can say is no and your left with the original price. Lastly, ensure that you have taken the drivers training course. This can significantly reduce the cost of insurance as companies do look for this!
How much are you currently paying for car insurance?

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