Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Here is the story of my first car

Here is the story of my first car

I'll never forget when I got my first car. Getting home from school and seeing it in the drive way, getting in it and starting it, then realizing I don't know how to drive it...
My first car was a 2003 Honda Accord with a V-tec engine. Black four door with leather seats and a sunroof. It was beyond what I imaged my first car to be. Oh and how could I forget it came with low profile rims, I thought it was so cool. The one thing I was
forgetting, it was a manual transmission something I had no idea how to drive. It was a nice summer day and I couldn't even take my first car out for a drive around the block. If that wasn't bad enough I had my friends messaging me to come pick them up or drive them to school and all I could do was say "sorry dude, I don't know how to drive my car". I spent hours on hours in a parking lot by my house teaching myself how to drive a manual car. I got so frustrated with it I wanted to just resell it for an automatic. Even when I got comfortable enough to drive it on the streets I still would stall it, leaving me frustrated and embarrassed. At the end of the day I'll never regret learning how to drive stick on my first car. It is a skill I could use later in life and now I'm able to drive any car I get into. I wish I could say I still have that car but let's be real, I drove that car to the junk yard. Taking it to high RPM's and not taking care of it, my first car only lasted me 3 years. My first car was a huge learning experience for me and something I will always remember.

What's the story of your first car? Do you still own your first car?


  1. That is a great story about your first car. It’s a good thing that you learned how to drive manually because of it, as manual driving is really hard compared to automatic. That being said, it is also true that a car will last longer if it is well taken care of. A great way to take care of your car is to do a maintenance check once in a while, even if it seems like nothing is wrong with it. Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience with us. Good day!

    Rhonda Burgess @ Bob Dunn Hyundai

  2. First cars are always going to occupy a precious space in our hearts. They will also affect how we buy our succeeding rides, since they're the ones that gave us a feel of the drive for the first time: the steering, the maneuverability, the mileage. Your Honda Accord seem to have served you well, and it's good that you've posted a lot about it here. These can serve as reference for future buyers.

    Ethel Mcguire @ Vestal Autos

  3. My first car was a 1990-something Chevrolet Corsica. Man, that thing was by far the toughest car I've ever had. I remember one time I got rear-ended by this big truck. It was at least twice the size of my car. Didn't leave a scratch on the car, but demolished the front of the truck. Still, my car wasn't mechanically immortal. Advice: Find a good mechanic ASAP. You're going to need it.

    Victoria Robbins @ Diviniti Auto
